Our story begins at home with a simple family Christmas tradition. For me personally, there is no better time of year than Autumn and Winter, as nature adopts a palette of orange and brown, cool crisp air sets in, and the rich smell of firewood fills the air. The festivities that take place at this time of year have always held a lot of space in our home, The Christmas season has always been much anticipated and cherished in our family. As nature adopts a palette of orange and brown, cool crisp winds whistle outside and the thick smell of firewood fills the air, our family settles into our rituals of roast dinners, cosy nights in and rainy woodland walks with the dog. Among our typical customs, we have a few special traditions for the festive season, one of which is the careful selection of a few meaningful items to add to our Christmas decorations. This might be in the form of a new tree ornament or an item of home décor, each one adding not only a physical item but, more importantly, a shared memory to our collection. A few years ago, while bumbling around a local garden centre, serendipity led us to a finely painted porcelain cottage. Having long admired model Christmas villages, we took it home and so began the curiosity that eventually led to My Christmas Village.
We envisioned this cottage as the start its own collection, each year adding a new building and a few characters. For me personally, this held strong affinity to Christmas growing up – the anticipation of my father retrieving the old boxes from the attic, the meticulous unveiling of each piece, lovingly wrapped in tissue paper by my mother, and the joy of setting them out and adding characters as Christmas day approached. To me, a model Christmas village held the same enchantment, a tradition to be shared as a family throughout the season, one that could endure through generations as our family continues to grow.

In the weeks that followed, we scoured the internet, markets and shops, exploring the options available. While many of them were undoubtedly beautiful, we were struggling to find a product that fulfilled the criteria we were looking for. As we intended for this to become part of a lifetime tradition, we felt it was important that the items were handcrafted, detailed and high-quality. We aim to support small and local businesses as much as possible, valuing the narrative and story behind a business as much as the products it creates. It was during this search that the seed of an idea began to sprout – if we couldn’t find what we were looking for, perhaps we could create it ourselves? Not only would this allow us to enjoy our tradition the way we imagined it, but it would add a personal element that made it all the more special.

We knew we wanted our collection to capture the fanciful magic of Christmas, the quaint charm of English countryside villages and the romanticised atmosphere of the Dickensian era. Countless late nights, endless sketches and numerous failed prototypes led us to our first building.

Proud of our accomplishment, we shared our project with friends and family, only to discover that we weren’t the only ones with an appetite for these products. A pivotal juncture arrived when we became members of a vibrant community, dedicated to this niche festive hobby.  It was then that we began believing that our passion project might be evolving into a tradition embraced by more than just our family and My Christmas Village was born.

We sought the guidance and support of this community to refine our first building and characters. The resounding encouragement and contagious enthusiasm served as a guiding light, keeping us steadfast in our convictions.

Finally, the day arrived and we were able to proudly unveil our first creation – The Toy Store, along with a small accompanying cast of characters.

Adding the customisation of our products enabled our customers to select characters that resonate most closely with their own families, infusing a personal touch into the experience. It was for this reason that we settled on the name ‘My Christmas Village’,  as we felt it beautifully encapsulated the essence of sharing a cherished tradition.

As a small business, we take pride in crafting and hand-painting all our products here in England. We value and actively seek input from our customers, wholeheartedly welcoming their feedback and creative ideas. The unwavering support we have received thus far fills us with profound gratitude. We look ahead with great enthusiasm to the next exciting chapter of this journey, as 2024 brings new models, characters and accessories.

My Christmas Village stands as a heartfelt passion project, a labour of love that my family holds dear, and we sincerely hope it will hold a special place in your hearts as well.

With the warmest regards,

My Christmas Village Founder

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